Parents & Citizens’ Association is a group of community-minded parents, guardians and citizens whose shared goal is to support Port Hedland School of the Air in providing every student from Kindergarten to Year Six access to the greatest, well-balanced education possible and act as a constructive contact between the school, community and parents.
The Parents and Citizens Association is accessible to all parents of children at school, teachers and interested citizens. They aim to support staff in the school’s day-to-day activities and be involved in fundraising for prioritised school requirements, such as:
- Uniform
- Fundraising events
- Financial support
- Purchased of books
- Camps
The following persons are our contacts for the various parent organisations:
- Parents and Citizen’s Association President:
Kathryn and David Olney (0417 182 978 / 0419 968 123)
- Port Hedland School of the Air School Council Chairperson:
Michael Jennings (08 9172 8100)
- The Isolated Children’s Parent Association President:
Jo-Anne Williams (0427 838 280)