Student Assessment

Standardised and informal assessment measures are undertaken at the school. Each year our Year 3 and Year 5 students participate in the National Assessment Programme – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN).

The school offers students an opportunity to participate in the International Competition and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) each year. This assessment is used to recognise student achievement and plan for future teaching and learning.

The major purpose of all assessments is to inform the teaching and learning process.

Focus Areas and Targets

We have high expectations in this school, and the staff and home tutors are teaching the children to aspire to great outcomes too. Our targets are;

  • All children in the school will be guided to develop a strong sense of moral purpose.
  • All children in the school will achieve “At Expected Standard”, or above ie. ‘C’ Satisfactory or greater across the learning areas.
  • Students sitting NAPLAN will achieve at the National Average or higher in domains assessed.
  • As a general rule, 80% of students score ratings of ‘Often’ or ‘Consistently’ in Attitude, Behaviour and Effort domain
  • All students will attend school unless they have a legitimate explained absence ie. 95% or greater.
  • All students in the school will complete, and submit, a quantity of off-line learning programme throughout the year, consistent with their ability and circumstances.

Student Achievements and Teacher Judgements

In general, a close correlation between test results and teacher judgements is evident. Comparisons are made throughout the year against NAPLAN, ICAS and school data, as well as teacher judgements in terms of student semester reports.

Written feedback is provided to parents following the assessment of each learning programme submission. Depending on the individual student, this occurs every two to three weeks and highlights for parents the strengths the child has displayed, areas requiring attention and strategies for developing such areas to achieve the desired targets.

The school has specified targets within its Strategic Plan and teachers work in close partnership with parents/tutors to assist students in attaining or exceeding not only the school targets, but individual agreed targets appropriate to the individual child.

Port Hedland School of the Air